

The Chronic Poverty Research Centre (CPRC) was an international partnership of universities, research institutes and NGOs, which completed its ten-year programme in 2011. Our research has deepened understanding of the causes of chronic poverty, and provided analysis and policy guidance on the reduction of chronic poverty. The CPRC was funded by the UK Department for International Development.

This is now an archived site. For a current website on chronic poverty, see www.chronicpovertynetwork.org, the website of the Chronic Poverty Advisory Network (CPAN).

But it can be done: through social protectionhuman development for the hard to reach, pro-poorest economic growth, and progressive social change towards the ‘good society’.


The Chronic Poverty Advisory Network (CPAN) builds on the work of the CPRC and raises awareness about the needs and possibilities of addressing chronic poverty. It works with policy makers and programme designers to produce effective measures in different contexts which will address chronic poverty.

CPAN is producing sector and country specific policy gudies (see on agriculture and education), as well as challenge papers (see What has happened to the other 50%?). The network is active in 13 countries in three regions, and has held policy events in 2012 in Accra and Nairobi.




CPRC Publications


The CPRC publications database contains over 400 publications across chronic poverty research themes, policy areas, and countries.



Chronic poverty reports

Chronic Poverty Reports are the flagshiip CPRC publications that highlight how to better address chronic poverty through national and international policies.